Come with NOVOS

Drill to Plan
Uses the pre-loaded well plan as a target and drills down the same way every time.

Manually adjust rotation and automatic oscillation of the top drive based on degrees or wraps. Drillers can also configure on-bottom and off-bottom RPM so that NOVOS automatically reduces rotation ever time the bit is off bottom. Other apps can also replace this rotation app to automatically control RPM.

Manually adjust flow rate. Driller can also configure on-bottom and off-bottom flow so that NOVOS automatically reduces flow every time the bit is off bottom.

Standard autodriller setpoints. An application can be developed to automatically adjust the drilling setpoints.

Tag Bottom
User can configure how NOVOS lowers the drill bit into the formation. User can configure drawworks velocity, ROP, and any parameters used for finding the bottom of the hole. NOVOS will automatically look for stable weight before ramping off-bottom RPM to on-bottom RPM.

Rig Config
User can configure how each tool operates. For example, how fast or slow mud pumps ramp, how fast or slow drawworks lowers and hoists, etc.

Friction Test
NOVOS will automatically run through the process of gathering pickup and slackoff weights as well as off-bottom rotating weight and torque. NOVOS will capture these values at the exact same distance every time and these values can be used for torque and drag purposes.

Well program, upper and lower limits for drilling parameters.

Equipment Control
Manual adjustment of specific rig tools such as links, IBOP, RLA, etc.

Tare Values
Manual adjustment of tare values (zeroing WOB and Delta P)

Automates process of downlinking to a directional drilling tool.

Unrestricted Drilling
Automatically adjusts autodriller setpoints so that the driving paramater is not being limited by the control loop.

User can manually input WOB and RPM setpoints; user configures what setpoints should be used and when; preconfigured setpoints used once application starts and not modifiable; sends setpoints that had the best ROP back to NOVOS for the driller to use while he has control of the system.

Surge and Swab
Provides control to manually adjust surge and swab envelope protections.
Added capablities available now

SoftSpeed II
(Only present if hardware on rig) Stick-slip prevention service uses automated vibration dampening to mitigate torsional vibration and reduce stick-slip oscillations during drilling operations.

Autodriller Gains Control
Allows driller to manually control Amphion gains.

Automatic directional drilling without the need for a directional driller.

Motor Optimizer
Detects motor stalls and alerts the driller.

Real-time supervisory application utilizes software and rig equipment to deliver a downhole weight on bit (DWOB) desired by the driller. TrueDrill provides significant ROP benefits, both sliding and rotating. The application provides increased bit stability, steady WOB and smoother toolface.

Surface DrillShark
Provides automation of drilling parameter selection using unique algorithms to maximize ROP while minimizing MSE of the drilling system.

Downhole DrillShark*
Aims to optimize ROP and minimze BHA vibrations while drilling ahead by controlling the weight and RPM input into the system.
Ask us to code your great idea

Service Company 001
Provides interface for service company drilling control system.

E&P 001
Automatically adjust autodriller gain setting based on real-time drilling data

E&P 002
Provides interface with operator modules.

E&P 003
Learn best drilling patterns from analog wells and generate best drilling roadmap

E&P 004
Automated directional calculations for motor yield and build rate.

E&P 005
Provides NOVOS UI for management of drilling contractor power generators.
SDK to turn your ideas into action

AI Driller 001
Created by a single entrepreneur. Adjusts drilling parameters to improve drilling performance.

University 001
Created by the University of Texas to enhance drilling by their proprietary algorithms.

University 002
Created by the University of Calgary to enhance drilling by their proprietary algorithms.

An easy way to achieve the most fuel-efficient drilling across an entire fleet (available at app developers discretion)