Containment Solutions Publication Library
Petroleum Storage
Fiberglass Storage Tank
Product Literature
Petroleum Tank Brochure (Pub No. FH1400)
Compartment Tank Extension Layout (Pub No. TNK 1100)
Canadian Literature
Canadian Double-Wall Tank Brochure - FRENCH (Pub No INST 6001 FRE)
Limited Warranty
Double-Wall Tank Limited Warranty (Pub No. FH1800)
International Double-Wall Tank Limited Warranty (Pub No. FH1820)
Product Specifications
Installation Instructions
Supplemental Documents
Access Riser Installation Instructions (Pub No. INS1305)
Alternate Tank Installation Methods (Pub No. INS1309)
Berm Installation Instructions (Pub No. INS1312)
Bottom Sump Installation Instructions (Pub No. INS1313)
Brine Monitoring Fluid SDS Sheet (Pub No. INST 6069)
Deadmen Layout by Tank Size (Pub No. TNK 1062)
Fiberglass Oil/Water separator Installation Instructions (Pub No. INS1315)
Flexible Connector Specification for Water Tanks (Pub No. SPEC 9005)
Lifting Tanks Using Slings (Pub No. INS1308)
NYC Special Installation Instructions (Pub No. INS1303)
Setting Monitoring Fluid Levels (Pub No. INS1320)
Split Strap Anchor System Installation Instructions (Pub No. INS1307)
Standard Hold Down Strap Anchoring Installation Instructions (Pub No. INS1306)
Tanks Shipping into Canada (Pub No. INST 6043)
Triple Wall Testing (Pub No. INS1304)
French Canadian Literature
Spanish Literature
4' Diameter
6' Diameter
8' Diameter
10' Diameter
12' Diameter
Metric Standard Tanks (4' Diameter)
Metric Standard Tanks (6' Diameter)
Metric Standard Tanks (8' Diameter)
Metric Standard Tanks (10' Diameter)
HydroGuard® System
Product Literature
Product Specifications
Installation Instructions
Fiberglass Storage Tank Installation Instructions (Pub No. INS1300)
French Canadian
Fiberglass Storage Tank Installation Instructions (Pub No. INS1300)
Fiberglass Storage Tank Installation Instructions (Pub No. INS1300)
sumps — double-wall
Double-Wall Sump Installation Instructions (Pub No. INS1302)
Supplemental Documents
Alternate Tank Installation Methods (Pub No. INS1309)
Berm Installation Instructions (Pub No. INS1312)
Brine Monitoring Fluid SDS Sheet (Pub No. INST 6069)
Deadmen Layout by Tank Size (Pub No. TNK 1062)
Lifting Tanks Using Slings ( Pub No. INS1308)
NYC Special Installation Instructions (Pub No. INS1300INS1303)
Setting Monitoring Fluid Levels (Pub No. INS1320)
Split Strap Anchor System Installation Instructions (Pub No. INS1307)
Standard Hold Down Strap Anchoring Installation Instructions (Pub No. INS1306)
Multi-Sump System
4' Diameter
6' Diameter
8' Diameter
10' Diameter
Single-Sump System
4' Diameter
6' Diameter
8' Diameter
10' Diameter
12' Diameter
Metric Standard 4' Diameter
Metric Standard 6' Diameter
Metric Standard 8' Diameter
Metric Standard 10' Diameter
Steel Storage Tank
FuelMaster® System
Product Literature
Installation Instructions
Hoover Vault® Tanks
Product Literature
Product Specifications
Installation Instructions
Spill Boxes
Stairs with Handrail
Stairs with Landing
Vault with Side Mount Spill Box
Vault with Top Mount Spill Box
Vault without Spill Box
GenCube® Tanks
Installation Instructions
BTU® - Biofuel Tank Upgrade
Tank Sumps
Product Specifications
Installation Instructions
Single-Wall Tank Sumps
Polygon Sumps
42" Diameter
Fill/Vapor with 15" Cuffs and 34" Lid
48" Diameter
Fill/Vapor with 15" Cuffs and 34" Lid
Fill/Vapor with 15" Cuffs and 40" lid
54" Diameter
Round Sumps
Flat Bottom Polygon
42" Diameter
Fill/Vapor with 15" Cuffs and 34" Lid
48" Diameter
Double-Wall Tank Sumps
EZ Fit Polygon
42" Diameter
Fill/Vapor with 15" Cuffs and 34" Lid
48" Diameter
Fill/Vapor with 15" Cuffs and 34" Lid
Fill/Vapor with 15" Cuffs and 40" Lid
54" Diameter
Flat Bottom Polygon
42" Diameter
Fill/Vapor with 15" Cuffs and 34" Lid
48" Diameter
Manway Extension
Deadmen Anchor System
Installation Instructions
4', 6', 10', & 12' DIAMETER TANKS
Galvanized Turnbuckle Detail (DWG)
Galvanized Turnbuckle Detail (PDF)
Manways and Extensions
Product Compatibility
Flowtite® Water Storage
CSI Tank Capabilities Brochure (Pub No. FH1001)
Flowtite® Water Brochure (Pub No. TNK 1067)
Fiberglass Storage Tank Installation Instructions (Pub No. INS1300)
Rainwater Harvesting
Product Literature
Rainwater Harvesting Poster (Pub No. TNK 1080)
Flowtite® Products Brochure (Pub No. FH1401)
Aboveground Commercial
Aboveground Residential
Special Accessories
Limited Warranty
Product Specifications
Rainwater Harvesting Specifications (Pub No. TNK 1079) (DOC)
Rainwater Harvesting Specifications (Pub No. TNK 1079) (PDF)
Aboveground Commercial
Aboveground Residential
Installation Instructions
French Canadian
Aboveground Commercial
Aboveground Residential
Flexible Connector
Supplemental Documents
Typical Drawings
Typical Commercial with Details (PDF)
Typical Commercial with Details (DWG)
Typical Residential with Details (PDF)
Typical Residential with Details (DWG)
Aboveground Commercial
Aboveground Residential (6' Height)
Basin or Wet Vault
IAPMO Designs (4' Diameter)
IAPMO Designs (6' Diameter)
IAPMO Designs (8' Diameter)
IAPMO Designs (10' Diameter)
IAPMO Designs (12' Diameter)
Single-Wall Tank (4' Diameter)
Single-Wall Tank (6' Diameter)
Single-Wall Tank (8' Diameter)
Single-Wall Tank (10' Diameter)
Single-Wall Tank (12' Diameter)